
Happy polish musicians

Welcome to Merseyside Polonia

We are the most recognised Polish not-for-profit organization in the Northwest of England.

Jesteśmy najbardziej uznaną polską organizacją non-profit w północno-zachodniej Anglii.

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Volunteers about Merseyside Polonia

Volunteers’ Week takes place every year between 1-7 June and is dedicated to thanking volunteers and to give recognition not only to them but to the huge difference they make to people and their communities. Merseyside Polonia wouldn’t exists without Volunteers and we want to say a massive Thank You for all the amazing work that you are doing!

This is a video prepared for Merseyside Polonia 13th Birthday occasion.

“Merseyside Polonia has changed my life.”

In June 2017, they gave me the opportunity of sharing what I have learned along my journey sailing through my dreams. This time the dream was to connect people to beauty and the power of their human dreams and to teach them different techniques and ways to dissolve their inner blockages and to get them closer to living their dreams.

Merseyside Polonia gave me change to stood up and show them what I had. Through their genuine interest and welcoming smiles, empowered me to create a series of workshops that I had dreamt of creating before.

If now I can take them around the world, it’s because Merseyside Polonia empowered me to make create what my heart already knew was needed in the world.”

— Sandra G.

Cover for Merseyside Polonia
Merseyside Polonia

Merseyside Polonia

Developing positive relations between the Polish Community and local residents.

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