Events Wydarzenia

Battle of Atlantic 80 th Anniversary celebrations

Battle of Atlantic 80 th Anniversary celebrations to include
unveiling of new memorial plaque for Polish Navy and Polish
merchants who fought in the battle.

Date: 28 th of May 2023
Time: 12:45pm
Place: Liverpool, Pier Head

On 28 th of May 2023 at 12:45pm a new plaque honouring Polish Navy and Polish merchant personnel will be unveiled during the official celebrations concluding the BoA80 memorial weekend.

The new plaque will be unveiled by the Lord Mayor, Cllr, Mary Rasmussen accompanied by Consul General of the Republic of Poland in Manchester, Michał Mazurek and the director of Polish Institute of National Remembrance, Adam Siwek.

The plaque honours Polish Navy servicemen who supported allied efforts during the battle between 1939-1945. Over 4000 Polish navy personnel served during the six-years long battle and almost half a thousand lost their lives. Polish Navy was heavily involved in operation against The Bismarck and took part in D-Day. On the 28 th of May 1940 Polish boat Błyskawica, which means Lightning in Polish, was ordered to patrol on Dunkirk evacuation and to provide Anti-Aircraft cover for Allied vessels. The very next day Błyskawica, towed crippled Royal Navy destroyer HMS Greyhound from Dunkirk to Dover saving lives of 1000 British soldiers. ‘Błyskawica” also defended the Isle of Wight from the attack of Luftwaffe. Polish Navy personnel contributed to the great victory of the Battle of Atlantic. The new plaque forms a part of Liverpool Naval Memorial.

The new memorial plaque was funded by the Polish Institute of National

Events Wydarzenia

Easter workshop

We are egg-cited to be back!

When- 1st of April 11am-3pm
Where- World Museum, William Brown St L3 8EN

Merseyside Polonia are incredibly excited to invite you to our Easter workshop at World Museum. We are bringing back our traditional Easter crafts to share with you all; big and little ones! Our volunteers will guide you through each stage of decorating egg, card-making and other Easter themed crafts. You will find us on the top floor of World Museum awaiting you and your family to join in the Easter fun. Let your children (and yourself too!) have a creative and fun day while learning about Polish traditions and culture.
Dye your own pisanka, or have a go at making Easter Palm! We have enough yarn, paper and googly eyes for everyone!

This year we are honoured to share the day with our Ukrainian friends who will share their Easter traditions.

This Easter, let’s take a moment to reflect on what truly matters in life.
May you feel the love and comfort of your friends and family, and may the joy of this special day bring a smile to your face.

Merseyside Polonia



Czy czujecie już w powietrzu nadchodzący świąteczny klimat? ✨🎄

Mamy nadzieję, że tak jak i my nie możecie się już doczekać świąt, ponieważ przygotowujemy dla was wyjątkową “Wigilijną niespodziankę”😍


👉10 grudnia I 17.00 – 19.30


👉Metal Culture I Edge Hill StationI L7 6ND Liverpool

Zapiszcie koniecznie tę datę i adres w kalendarzu, by nie przegapić atrakcji jakie na Was czekają oraz na waszych bliskich 👨‍👨‍👧‍👦

Zapraszamy do rezerwacji biletów, liczba miejsc ograniczozna:…/wigilia-christmas-eve…

Oczywiście, gdy mowa o Wigilii nie może zabraknąć pysznego jedzenia, muzyki wprowadzającej w świąteczny nastrój, przywoływania wspomnień i wielu pięknych, polskich tradycji… 🎄🎶💫

Już niebawem zdradzimy więcej szczegółów!

Bądźcie czujni 🤩


Zaduszki Ogniowe

„Ciemno wszędzie, głucho wszędzie, co to będzie, co to będzie?” grzmiał w swoim utworze „Dziady część II”, znany wszystkim Polakom wieszcz Adam Mickiewicz. Ale co wspólnego mają słowiańskie Dziady ze zbliżającym się i znanym powszechnie świętem Halloween? 🤔

❗️ZAPISZ ADRES: Clearview Scout Hut, L18 8DB, Mossley Hill, Liverpool

❗️ZAPISZ TERMIN: 30.10.2022 – 16:30

Wydarzenie rozpocznie Dziad, który powita Was z zaświatów! 👻 Wasze uszy wypełnią się tajemniczymi historiami, które nie pozwolą zmysłom spać tej nocy…

Natchnieni wprowadzeniem, udekorujemy maski, sącząc przy tym przepyszny (bezalkoholowy) grzaniec. A to dopiero początek!🎃

Wśród naszych atrakcji mamy jeszcze:

👉 procesję z wypisaniem intencji z czym chcielibyśmy się pożegnać,

👉oprowadzenie przez Dziada,

👉 czytankę motywów z „Dziadów” Mickiewicza.

Tych, którzy kochają jesienny klimat pod gołym niebem, zapraszamy na widowiskowy pokaz tańca z ogniem, grill, ognisko i muzykę🔥🎶🍗 Wszystko to umilą nam tradycyjne ogniskowe napoje i przekąski:

✔️Chleb z masłem


✔️Kiełbasa z wina

✔️Grzaniec bezalkoholowy


Koniec Października jeszcze nigdy nie zapowiadał się tak ekscytująco. Dołącz do nas!

Events Get Help Nasze inicjatywy Wydarzenia

Open Wednesdays

Do you want to meet interesting, passionate people, learn new skills or simply have fun by helping others?

We would like to invite to join our new Wednesday evening meet ups at Merseyside Polonia office on Dale St.

Our doors are open and there is always a cup of tea or coffee waiting for you, as well as a friendly person to talk to, who will listen, answer your questions and tell you about the idea behind our organization.

Join us on Wednesday and learn more during the organizational meeting or drop us an email:

Being a volunteer is a chance to meet new people, personal development, gaining a valuable experience, implementation of ideas and finally belonging to the group that exists to help.
We are open to everyone, no matter the skills or background; we will find you a place in our group because the most important is the will to act.

We are currently looking for people who would like get involved in the projects, listed below:

Community Champion – Do you want to help develop a social network within the Polish community and make sure that all the important information is passed and shared amongst Polish people? Or maybe you would like to gain experience as a translator during important events? If so, this project is for you!

Help Link – do you have practical knowledge about living in the UK, benefits, how local services and organizations work? Or maybe you want to learn it by preparing content for your website or social media?

Law Clinic – we are looking for law students to help us with the free legal advice clinic in Merseyside Polonia

Baby Steps to a Healthy Future – Nutrition is your passion, would you like to explore the secrets of a healthy diet? Or maybe you like working with children?

Polish Heritage Tour – are you interested in history? Would you like to discover the secrets of Liverpool, meet interesting people and just be outdoors? Help us prepare the Polish Heritage Tour 2021, which will take place on September 18 and 19!

In addition to these specific projects, Merseyside Polonia is also looking for:
People who will help us develop marketing, social media,
A person to take care of our wonderful library
Photographers, video specialists and graphic designers.
See you on Wednesday at 6pm!